Pharmacy Technician OSPE

Review classes

The OSPE is a highly challenging test that puts your pharmacy knowledge, critical thinking and communication skills under magnifying glass. The exam is structured to put your mental powers to the limit under highly enforced time limit. Those who come poorly prepared find it an intimidating experience. Pharmacy prep offers the most comprehensive course in 5 weeks with class room instructions, sterile prep training, compounding skills and simulated exams.

OSPE Training Scenarios at Pharmacy Prep - Sample Videos

Long Term Courses Home study Books Plus
Online Live Course
Super Crash Course
Simulated MOCK Practice
Weekly Live Lectures for 5 weeks In Class training for Interactive Stations Online Live Training for Interactive Station At University of Toronto Campus
Learning Structure-Interactive and Non interactive Gradual - Weekly Cases based Interactive and non interactive training Gradual-Online live stream of interactive and non interactive training Two full practice simulated test like real exam include interactive and non interactive station
Full Length Simulated Mock Exams Yes Simulated Tests Yes Online Live Mock Tests Yes-two simulated tests for Two days. Examiner provide case by case Specific feedback
Online access to Case/dialogues/video Yes, online access included Yes Online access Online access available at Additional cost
Flexible Schedule (Weeknight Or Weekends) Yes Live stream from Toronto class Fixed Schedule
Important Tips / Highlights in Book In class Highlights in Books Live online Highlighting in Books Some Points
Communication Skills Training In-Class Case based learning through roll plays Live Online Case based learning through roll plays In-class or Online questions and cases Clarification
Emotional intelligence Learn to communicate positively and ethically, manage time,
Time management In-Class Timed roll play to manage time efficiently In-Class Timed roll play to manage time efficiently Simulated roll play to manage time efficiently
Inter professional communication skills In class Roll plays to use inter professional problem solving skills Online roll plays to use inter professional problem solving skills Simulated roll plays to use inter professional problem solving skills
Prescription Error Check Timed set practice on all possible prescription error in exam format Online Timed set practice on all possible prescription error in exam format Simulated roll play in MOCK exams
Dispensing Error Check Timed set practice on all possible prescription error in exam format Online Timed set practice on all possible prescription error in exam format Simulated roll play in MOCK exams
Sterile Prep Video Training Timed set practice on all possible prescription error in exam format Online Timed set practice on all possible prescription error in exam format Simulated roll play in MOCK exams
Timed set practice on all possible prescription error in exam format Online Timed set practice on all possible prescription error in exam format Simulated roll play in MOCK exams
Dr.Misbah and other Instructors Yes Yes Yes
Course Fees
Price $790 + Tax $690 + Tax $490 + Tax
Sample OSCE Scenario
Sample OSCE Scenario
Sample OSPE Scenario
Sample OSPE Scenario
Sample OSPE Scenario
Sample OSPE Scenario

Class Schedule for 2020

Toronto Campus

Mississauga/Brampton Campus

Start Date: January 26, 2020
Start Date: January 27, 2020
  • 1 days / Week for 5 wks
  • Sunday 4:00pm to 9:00pm
  • 1 days / Week for 5 wks
  • Friday 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Super Crash Course Toronto

Start Date:March 30-31,2020
  • 2 days of OSPE MOCK exams
  • Each day 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Held at The Michener Institute

Enroll now or to Enroll via phone please contact us

Pharmacy Technician OSPE Home Study Plus Online

The OSPE is a highly challenging test that puts your pharmacy knowledge, critical thinking and communication skills under magnifying glass. The exam is structured to put your mental powers to the limit under highly enforced time limit. Those who come poorly prepared find it an intimidating experience.

Pharmacy prep offers the most comprehensive Online Plus Home Study Course.

The content of the course includes:

  • Interactive Stations. Component of communication and practical problem solving skills
    in each interactive stations.

  • Non Interactive Stations. At two non interactive station students are given task to check prescription error and dispensing errors.

  • Sterile Preparation Station. The Sterile prep stations students are screened video clips of sterile prep.

  • Compounding Station. The practical skills in compounding skills.

  • Animation showing proper device use

  • Record Video lectures

  • Additional Cases

Study Material youtube video overview

As part of the review course we provide the following book

Reference Guide

OSPE Short (Super Crash) Course Schedule

The pharmacy PREP OSPE MOCKs or simulation examination ideally consists of about 12 stations for the examination of a particular cycle and each day two cycles are practiced (12 + 12 stations). The time for each station fixed 7 minutes. The students are rotated through all stations and have to move to the next station at the buzzer. We make sure smooth flow through stations so each student complete each cycle. Each station is designed to test a component of communication skills and practical problem solving according to NAPRA competence. At the end of each station students will get 2 minute feedback for the assessment of the process and to get information for future improvement in OSCE as per examination standards.

The content of simulated mock exams includes

Interactive Stations. Component of communication and practical problem solving skills in each interactive stations.

Non Interactive Stations. At two non interactive station students are given task to check prescription error and dispensing errors.

Sterile Preparation Station. The Sterile prep stations students are screened video clips of sterile prep.

Compounding Station. The practical skills in compounding skills.

There is objectivity in OSPE simulations the standard to check the competencies are made earlier and agreed check lists are used for marking and evaluation.

OSPE is useful for any subject and the main benefit of OSPE is that both the examination process and the examinee are evaluated by giving importance to communication skills and practical skills. Pharmacy prep OSPE also evaluates the individual competencies.

Toronto, Ontario

  • Duration: 2 full days of MOCK Exam Practice
  • 12+12 Scenario Each Day
  • March 30-31, 2020
  • Time: 10:00 am to 4:00pm

Enroll now or to Enroll via phone please contact us