Chapter 76 Endocarditis Q&A (1 of 19) Sample Questions

1. Arthur is a 60-year-old patient with hypertrophic myopathy. Currently, he is using Gentamicin I.V. and Ampicillin IV for acute prostatitis. His doctor referred him to urologist to do cystoscopy. Doctor decided to perform tooth extraction while Arthur is in the hospital. What should be used as antibiotic prophylaxis?
  1. A. There is no need for prophylaxis, as patient already taking high dose of antibiotics.
  2. B. No need for prophylaxis as this minor procedure.
  3. C. Give 2 g of Amoxicillin before 1 hr procedure.
  4. D. Give dose of Clindamycin 600 mg before procedure.
Ans: D
Tips: If the patient is already taking an antibiotic that is used for endocarditic. Select an agent from a different class to avoid encountering resistant strains. Alternatively delay the procedure until 10 days or more after completion of the antibiotic course to allow bacterial flora to the usual state.