Chapter 41 Drug Allergies Q&A (1 of 15) Sample Questions

1. A doctor prescribed Clarithromycin (Biaxin) 500 mg bid for 10 days and Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) 60 mg tablet qid prn for sinus pain and congestion. The patient’s profile shows that patient has had a prescription filled 2 weeks ago for Enalapril (Vasotec) 10 mg bid (60 tablets). However, patient’s blood pressure had not been well controlled thereby, the dosage was subsequently increased. Patient should be advised to take which of the following appropriate decongestant?
  1. A. Xylometazoline
  2. B. Diphenhydramine
  3. C. Pseudoephedrine
  4. D. Desloratadine
Ans: A
Tips: Contraindications of xylometazoline: Hypersensitivity to xylometazoline or to any ingredient in the formulation or component of the container. Angle-closure glaucoma. Concurrent therapy with MAO inhibitors. Patients with known sensitivity to adrenergic effects of drugs. Irrigation following surgical procedures in which the dura mater may have been entered, e.g., sinus and trans nasal procedures.
Pseudoephedrine contraindications: Should not be used in patients with hypertension, coronary artery disease and in patients on monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor therapy, or for 2 weeks after stopping MAO inhibitor drug . The concomitant use of these medications may cause a rise in high blood pressure or hypertensive crisis.