Chapter 26 Contraception Q&A (1 of 55) Sample Questions

1. A doctor calls your pharmacy regarding KC 35-year-old women. KC is requesting for hormonal contraceptives. KC is mother of two children and she is not sure about her future course of action for her family. She states near future they may consider for having another child. KC has no other medical conditions and not using any chronic medications. KC states that she smokes 12 to 16 cigarettes daily and drink a glass of wine 3 to 4 times per week. She recently joined gym for Rhumba dancing lessons. What is appropriate recommendation for KC contraceptives?
  1. A. Ask KC to start nicotine replacement therapy and concomitantly can start combined oral contraceptives
  2. B. Because KC is heavy smoker, hormonal contraceptives are not recommended and therefore recommend non-hormonal contraceptive methods
  3. C. Use low dose 20 mcg estrogen containing hormonal contraceptives
  4. D. Recommend etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol vaginal ring
Ans: B
Tips: Woman 35-year age and older and heavy smokers >15 cigarettes daily hormonal contraceptives are completely contraindicated. Based on KC current status she is not candidate for hormonal contraceptives. Woman age over 35 years and smokes less than 15 cigarettes can consider low dose estrogen containing or progesterone only contraceptives.