Chapter 2 NAPRA The Harmonized National Drug Model Q&A (1 of 11) Sample Questions

1. National Association of Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority’s (NAPRA) harmonized drug model of Schedule 2 drugs, what is right?
  1. A. Medication should be counselled.
  2. B. Warts medication are Schedule 2 drugs
  3. C. Both A and B
  4. D. Require prescription
Ans: A
Tips: All Schedule II drugs can be recommended by pharmacist with professional judgement. Pharmacist has the right to refuse. Wart medications are Schedule 1 drugs. Podophyllum and the following extracts and active principles when sold or recommended for topical use: podophyllum toxin and podophyllum resin.
Caprylic acid is unscheduled except when combined with alpha hydroxyl acids alone or combination greater than 30% of pH lower than 3 for use other than warts, corn, colluses.
Salicylic acid topical >40% is schedule II when sold to be applied to warts, corns, or calluses and <20% is usschedule.

Some examples of Schedule II. All vaccine, scopolamine patch, Pyrvinium pamoate, Pseudoephedrine and salts. Potassium salts, Omeprazole or its salts (14 days for treatment of frequent heartburn at a daily dose 20 mg in package sizes of no more than 280 mg of omeprazole. Permethrin (cream rinse 1%, dermal cream 5%). Human insulin. Dimenhydrinate inj.