Chapter 18 Parkinson’s Disease Q&A (1 of 72) Sample Questions

1. AG is a 77-year-old female who has had difficulty sleeping over the past several days because of leg cramping and rigidity in the early hours of the morning. Her medical history includes: Parkinson ’s disease, and stable angina
Current medications are: Levodopa/Carbidopa 100/25, 1 tablet at 0800, 1200, 1600, prn at 2000; Amantadine 100 mg od, ASA-EC 325 mg od, NitroDur 0.6 mg qam, and Nitroglycerin 0.3 mg prn x3 q5min for angina
Which of the following can be most likely the explanation for AG’s symptoms?
  1. A. Anticholinergic effects of amantadine
  2. B. On-off motor fluctuation
  3. C. Wearing off effect
  4. D. Festination
Ans: C