Chapter 16 Sleep Disorders Q&A (1 of 32) Sample Questions

1. A patient named David went to see his physician due to bothering sleep patterns. Doctor asked few questions to determine likelihood of insomnia. According to David, it has become difficult for him to fall asleep, sometimes it take him 3 hours maximum. When he’s lucky it takes him an hour or so but staying asleep is also a challenge and worse, he would wake up after 4 hours of sleep and can’t return at 2 or 3 in the morning. He would experience these 2-3 times a week and has been going on for 3 months now. The worst thing he gets from this is not being productive during the day as he normally would. To quantify daytime impairment, doctor used the insomnia severity index to see David’s insomnia level. He scored 18 out of 28. Doctor immediately decides to start on a course of first-line hypnotic Temazepam 15 mg qhs PRN po. Along with this, doctor recommended David to keep a sleep diary. How long do patients like David have to maintain the diary?
  1. A. 3 days
  2. B. 5 days
  3. C. 7 days
  4. D. 1 month
Ans: C
Tips: Sleep diary: Include questions related to caffeine, alcohol, and exercise during the day and at night. Completion for 1 week is required to quantify sleep performance and variability